The Story of The Processions

The history of the processions in Guatemala dates back to the time of the Spanish Conquest, when the first brotherhoods were established. The first procession that took place in the City of Santiago (today La Antigua) was on March 10, 1543.
The Beginning of Lent:
Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and occurs 46 days before Easter. In almost all Catholic churches around Guatemala, Ash Wednesday (Miércoles de Ceniza) is celebrated.
Lent and Easter in Antigua, Guatemala is world-famous for its elaborate Christian religious celebrations. It begins with the start of the the 40 days of Lent (Cuaresma). Every weekend you can see amazing processions and vigils. This leads up to the week of Easter (Semana Santa). If you’re planning on visiting Antigua, then this is the time to visit and immerse yourself in the centuries old traditions handed down from generation to generation. Don’t miss the Holy Vigils, the incredible Processions, the timeless Cucuruchos, and vivid Carpets (alfombras.) Brass bands play atmospheric funeral music. The smell of incense, and the colours of the flowers all contribute in making Antigua the place to visit during Lent and Easter.
Looking to learn more about Lent and Easter in Antigua Guatemala? Well, Qué Pasa has many interesting articles for you to explore. Also do check out our calendar so you know what’s going on from day to day.