Art and culture is very much at the centre of Antigua Guatemala. As Santiago de los Caballeros, Antigua was the capital of the Kingdom of Guatemala which was huge! With close to forty churches (many of which are now ruins due to the 1776 earthquake), San Carlos, the first university in the Americas and the many municipality buildings and restored homes, Antigua is a living culture! But let's not forget the thriving art scene that has been developing in Guatemala over the past decades. Here Qué Pasa showcases many of the artists that make Antigua their home.
Museo de Armas de Santiago de Los Caballeros

Many people come to Antigua and don’t take time to really get to know the history in this city. A colonial city like this one, keeps a lot of mysteries and fun facts, that will keep you interested.
The Ridingers Pioneers of
Guatemalan Maya Jade

In 1974, Jay Ridinger was on the trail of the lost sources of Maya jade. He ran across the Smithsonian publication “Mineralogical Studies in Guatemalan Jade”, written in 1957 by William F Foshag, the curator of geology at the Smithsonian. Washington D.C.