Roberto Fernández Castellanos- A man of Passion
Roberto Fernández Castellanos has worked on several projects that have earned him the award as “Distinguished Antigüeño” because his construction work has ensured the preservation of the city and its architecture. He worked with the Club de Leones (Lions Club) building a maternity ward in the old hospital. With the Rotary Club, he rebuilt Calletana Echeverria school and, as he says, he did it from the “setting of the first stone to the final detail”. He and his wife, Yolanda Estevez, are volunteers at Obras Sociales del Santo Hermano Pedro.
Roberto Fernández Castellanos was also requested by the board of directors of the Fraternity of San Bartolo Church to restore its church. To thank him for his work, the board invited him to carry the first turno for the following procession.
As chairman of the Sports Delegation of Sacatepéquez, a position he kept for 11 years, Roberto Fernández Castellanos built the gym now known as Antigua Gym.
Many of his accomplishments have benefitted the community of La Antigua. Nevertheless, at 84 years old, one of his greatest accomplishments is to continue working for the benefit of the youth of La Antigua; Roberto is still the pillar that supports the local Scouts.
Interview with Roberto Fernández Castellanos
After 46 years of supporting Scouting in La Antigua, we have to ask, what inspired you to become a Scout?
Since I was little, I always liked nature. During the course of my life I have realized creation manifests itself through nature.
How did you begin working with La Antigua’s Scout group?
I was appointed to the Scout group by the Rotary Club. This time in which we form the minds and personalities of the kids through games is very important to the Scouts.
How long has the group existed?
Around 40 years ago, there were four groups of scouts. One had as headquarters the Palacio de los Capitanes Generales; another one was located at the Club de Leones, a third one had its headquarters at the Antigua Compañía de Jesús (which nowadays is the headquarters of the Cooperación Española) and our group, with its headquarters at the Santa Teresa convent. From all the groups that were formed, we are the only ones who are still active and with the same headquarters (for 54 years).
What is taught in the group?
We teach children something that will be important to the rest of their lives, the love of God, which translates into the love of nature. We encourage children to feel happy in nature. They forget everything and during the games we sow the seeds of ethics in their lives. We support their formation by training them with values, direct coexistence and survival in nature, in addition to companionship, teamwork and camping experiences.
Tell us about the new headquarters.
We are now working on a field school, the project is called Dolores del Cerro and it’s where the headquarters will be moved to when it’s ready. This place meets all the requirements of conservation and respect for the laws of the city. With more space, we can receive more children. We have received much support from the University of San Carlos for this project.